Presentation List

Headline Date of the event (starting point) Date of the event (ending point) Content types Who (active) Who (additional) Event/Academic name and official website What does one do Google Map address Google Map name of place Web meeting (if available) Title of paper or subject (if available) Sites as reference (if available) Taxonomy
Suyong Re give an invited lecture at [Molcube 2023 Mini-Symposium]. [Presentations] Suyong Re Molcube 2023 Mini-Symposium gave an invited lecture 521 Tehran-ro, Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Parnas Tower 18th Floor Main Conference Room Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Drug Compound Design in Silico P.molecular simulationtalk
Senior Research Scientist, Mari N. Itoh give poster presentation at [ERS2023]. [Presentations] Senior Research Scientist, Mari N. Itoh ERS2023 gave poster presentation Piazzale Carlo Magno, 1, 20149 Milano – Italy the Allianz MiCo Data-driven processing of electronic medical record(EMR) and serum exosome proteomics data of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis(IPF) patients identifiied pathological networks and its regulatory molecules Bioinformatics P.poster
Project Leader, Yayoi Natsume will give an invited lecture at [OpenTox 2022 Virtual Conference]. [Presentations] Project Leader, Yayoi Natsume OpenTox 2022 Virtual Conference will give an invited lecture <p>Virtual Conference</p> Inference of mechanisms of toxicity from omics data presentation
Postdoctoral Fellow, Jonguk Park give poster presentation at [ISME18]. [Presentations] Postdoctoral Fellow, Jonguk Park ISME18 gave poster presentation (Rue Louis Favre 2, 1024 Ecublens, Switzerland) the SwissTech Convention Center Dietary vitamin B1 intake influences gut microbial community and the consequent production of short-chain fatty acids microbiomeposter
The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi give oral presentation at [AIDD2022 Artificial Intelligence In Drug Discovery: Quickening The Pace From Bench To Bedside]. [Presentations] The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi AIDD2022 Artificial Intelligence In Drug Discovery: Quickening The Pace From Bench To Bedside gave oral presentation <br data-cke-filler="true"> DruMAP: an integrated analysis platform for drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics artificial intelligencedrug discoverytalk
The Project Leader, Kenji Mizuguchi give a speech at [Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences]. [Presentations] The Project Leader, Kenji Mizuguchi Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences gave a speech Online Data integration and AI-driven drug discovery artificial intelligencedrug discoverytalk
Deputy Leader, Suyong Re give an invited lecture at [CBI Society]. [Presentations] Deputy Leader, Suyong Re CBI Society gave an invited lecture <p>Online workshop via Zoom</p> Protein-ligand free-energy calculations using GENESIS molecular simulationtalk
The Project Leader, Kenji Mizuguchi, The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi hold a seminar at [how to apply for this seminar]. [Presentations] The Project Leader, Kenji Mizuguchi、The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi how to apply for this seminar held a seminar (7-chōme-1-48 Minatojima Minamimachi) Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering 健康・医薬研究の基盤としてのデータ統合と人口知能活用 artificial intelligence
The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi give an invited lecture at [国際回折構造生物学シンポジウム(英語)]. [Presentations] The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi International Symposium on Diffraction Structural Biology gave an invited lecture (1 Machikaneyamachō, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043) Osaka University Toyonaka Campus "Data integration and computational systems approaches to drug discovery"
Postdoctoral Fellow, Jonguk Park give oral presentation at [The 61st Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology]. [Presentations] Postdoctoral Fellow, Jonguk Park The 61st Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biology gave oral presentation (2 Chome-9-18 Misakicho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0061) Tokyo Dental College Analysis of oral microbiota in Japanese oral cancer patients using 16S rRNA sequencing
The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi give a speech at [The 14th International Symposium of the Institute Network for Biomedical Sciences]. [Presentations] The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi The 14th International Symposium of the Institute Network for Biomedical Sciences gave a speech (2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871) Alumnus Union Building of Osaka University Medical School Data integration as a basis for artificial intelligence in drug discovery
[Presentations] Deputy Leader, Chioko Nagao 神戸大学計算科学教育センター held a seminar (〒650-0047 兵庫県神戸市中央区港島南町7丁目1−48) 神戸大学計算科学教育センター 構造インフォマティクスの基礎
[Presentations] Project Researcher, Takeshi Fujiwara 第78回日本癌学会学術総会 gave oral presentation (〒606-0001 京都府京都市左京区岩倉大鷺町422) 国立京都国際会館 オミックスと画像データを利用した人工知能による腫瘍分類の検討について
[Presentations] Project Researcher, Takeshi Fujiwara 第92回日本生化学会大会 gave oral presentation (〒220-0012 神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい1丁目1−1) パシフィコ横浜 展示ホール 生命科学データベースを用いたドラッグリポジショニングモデルの構築
[Presentations] Senior Research Scientist, Mari N. Itoh 第18回情報化学技術フォーラム gave a speech (〒700-8530 岡山県岡山市北区津島中1丁目1−1) 岡山大学 津島キャンパス 『医療と自然言語処理のこれから』
[Presentations] Postdoctoral Fellow, Hitoshi Kawashima、Postdoctoral Fellow, Jonguk Park、Postdoctoral Fellow, Reiko Watanabe ISCB (international society for computational biology) gave poster presentation Congress Center Basel (Messeplatz 21, Reception 2nd Floor, 4058 Basel, Switzerland) F-13: Prediction of pharmacokinetic profiles using chemical structure information: Fraction unbound in plasma and renal excretion(担当・渡邉)
[Presentations] Postdoctoral Fellow, Jonguk Park 第67回千里ライフサイエンス技術講習会 held a seminar (〒567-0085 大阪府茨木市彩都あさぎ7丁目6−8) 医薬基盤研究所 『腸内フローラのデータ取得と解析』
[Presentations] 第46回日本毒性学会 gave an invited lecture アスティとくしま(徳島県徳島市山城町東浜傍示1-1) 『Garudaプラットフォームによる多角的毒性予測』
[Presentations] The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi Joint Annual Meeting of 71st JSCB &amp; 19th PSSJ gave an invited lecture Kobe International Conference Center, 5F 504 + 505 "Structural biology brings a new solution for the understanding of multiple cellular functions."
[Presentations] The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi ゲノム創薬・創発フォーラム第1回シンポジウム gave an invited lecture 東京大学医科学研究所附属病院 A棟8階 トミーホール 『AI創薬基盤としてのデータ統合とデータベース開発』


