AI Nutrition Project

AI Nutrition Project

Presentation List & News List
Headline Date of the event (starting point) Date of the event (ending point) Content types Who (active) Who (additional) Event/Academic name and official website What does one do Google Map address Google Map name of place Web meeting (if available) Title of paper or subject (if available) Sites as reference (if available)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Attayeb Mohsen will give poster presentation at [IHMC2022]. [Presentations] Postdoctoral Fellow, Attayeb Mohsen IHMC2022 will give poster presentation Kobe Protopia hotel Optimizing and automating QIIME2 Microbiome data analysis using the Snakemake pipeline (Snaq) AI Nutrition P.in Silico P.Toxicogenomics P.Bioinformatics P.microbiomeposter
Postdoctoral Fellow, Rodolfo Sebastian Allendes Osorio will give poster presentation at [ECCB2022]. [Presentations] Postdoctoral Fellow, Rodolfo Sebastian Allendes Osorio ECCB2022 will give poster presentation (Carrer de Joan Salvat Papasseit, 38, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona) Hotel Meliã Sitges Panomicon, allowing heterogeneous multi-omics analysis on the web AI Nutrition P.in Silico P.Toxicogenomics P.Bioinformatics P.poster


