artificial intelligence

Presentation List & News List
Headline Date of the event (starting point) Date of the event (ending point) Content types Who (active) Who (past) Who (additional) Event/Academic name and official website What does one do Google Map address Google Map name of place Web meeting (if available) Title of paper or subject (if available) Sites as reference (if available) Taxonomy タグ(分野) タグ(アナウンスの種類)
"A novel corpus of molecular to higher-order events that facilitates the understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis" has been published. [News] Scientific Reports databaseartificial intelligencehealth care 研究論文
"Integrative Network Modeling Highlights the Crucial Roles of Rho-GDI Signaling Pathway in the Progression of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer"has been published. [News] IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics bioinformaticsartificial intelligencedrug discoveryhealth care 研究論文
[Presentations] artificial intelligence poster
The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi give oral presentation at [AIDD2022 Artificial Intelligence In Drug Discovery: Quickening The Pace From Bench To Bedside]. [Presentations] The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi AIDD2022 Artificial Intelligence In Drug Discovery: Quickening The Pace From Bench To Bedside gave oral presentation <br data-cke-filler="true"> DruMAP: an integrated analysis platform for drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics artificial intelligencedrug discovery talk
"Deep Learning Prediction of Adverse Drug Reactions in Drug Discovery Using Open TG–GATEs and FAERS Databases" has been published. [News] "Deep Learning Prediction of Adverse Drug Reactions in Drug Discovery Using Open TG–GATEs and FAERS Databases" frontiers, drug in discovery bioinformaticsartificial intelligencedrug discoverymachine learningdeep learning 研究論文
The Project Leader, Kenji Mizuguchi give a speech at [Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences]. [Presentations] The Project Leader, Kenji Mizuguchi Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences gave a speech Online Data integration and AI-driven drug discovery artificial intelligencedrug discovery talk
The Project Leader, Kenji Mizuguchi, The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi hold a seminar at [how to apply for this seminar]. [Presentations] The Project Leader, Kenji Mizuguchi、The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi how to apply for this seminar held a seminar (7-chōme-1-48 Minatojima Minamimachi) Education Center on Computational Science and Engineering 健康・医薬研究の基盤としてのデータ統合と人口知能活用 artificial intelligence
The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi give an invited lecture at [徳島大学先端酵素学研究所]. [Presentations] The Director of ArCHER, Kenji Mizuguchi Institute of Advanced Medical Sciences, Tokushima University gave an invited lecture (3-18-15 Kuramotochō, Tokushima, 770-0042) Institute for Genome Research, Tokushima University Artificial intelligence-based drug discovery: challenges and applications to target identification and pharmacokinetic modelling artificial intelligencedrug discovery talk


